Family Command Center Printables

Setting up a family hub can be a bit overwhelming especially if this is your first time. Today I have all the help you need, family command center printables that you can use for a streamlined hub for your family and home. A command center is a great way to organize family schedules, shopping lists, bills, mail and so much more.

family command center printables

Keeping the family organized can be a lot to ask. With so many things all happening at once you may feel as if you are being pulled in many different directions.

This is why I always suggest having a family command center in your home. Whether you have a large family or it is just you, setting up a central location to house the important things is a huge benefit to have.

What should be in a family command center?

It all depends on your family’s needs. You may want all or any of these suggestions.

  • Sport schedules
  • Calendar
  • Weekly menu
  • Shopping list
  • School schedules
  • Household budget
  • Emergency numbers
  • Upcoming events

To help you decide remember the goal of having a family hub. To help streamline your family’s schedules so everyone knows where they need to be and what to have with them when they go.

Family Command Center Printables

If you are looking for a quick way to set up a family command center in your own home this list of printable pages will make it much easier to get started.

Try one or all and get your own family hub set up and running today.

Printable #1. Monthly Calendar

The family hub of printables usually begins with a yearly calendar, your favorite pen, marker, or pencil. Begin by recording all the important family events on the calendar and leaving the pen behind so that the family can also add important events to the calendar.

Image that shows monthly calendar printables with floral border.

Use this magnetic pen holder to ensure you always have a pen near your calendar to make additions or any changes as they come up.

Printable #2. Shopping List

One of my favorite tools to use when running our home is an accurate shopping list. There is nothing quite as frustrating as coming home from a shopping trip only to find that I forgot to buy something, or worse, I purchased an item we already had plenty of. By having a shopping list up where our entire family can add to it I know I have the most accurate list to take to the store with me.

top view of a shopping list, a coffee over wooden table


Printable #3. Chore Chart

It is never too early to begin to teach kids how to help around the house. Having a chore chart in your family command center will help children to stay on top of their daily tasks.

Children need reminders just like we do to remain on task and complete any chores they have on their weekly or daily list.

Image that shows a chore checklist printable for preschool toddlers.

Printable #4. Car Maintenance Schedule

A car maintenance schedule shouldn’t be based on memory alone. Posting a schedule in your family hub will help. Use this super handy list to ensure that you remembered to check the window wipers at the last oil change and keep your car running smoothly.

Image that shows a car maintenance checklist printable.

Printable #5. Weekly Planner Pages

Having weekly planner pages will help you to create a schedule that is productive. This means no more spinning your wheels working hard and feeling like you are getting nowhere fast.

Use these pages to set up a plan that will have you coasting through your days getting done what needs to be done right on time.

Image that shows weekly plan printables with floral border.

Printable #6. Birthday List

It is inevitable that you will forget some birthdays when you have a large extended family this planner page will fix that for good.

Use this birthday sheet to help keep track of everyone’s special day. You only need to glance at the chart on a monthly basis to remember your niece’s birthday. Now you can ensure that you have a birthday card and gift in the mail on time for their special day.

Image that shows a family birthday calendar printable for the year.

Printable #7. Meal Planner Page

Working full time, running around, taking the kids to their extracurricular activities, and planning dinner is a huge list to remember on a daily basis. A menu planner helps keep track of daily menu planning and put that one part of your day on auto-pilot.

It also helps to remind you of the ingredients you need to have on hand ensuring that meatloaf is really happening on Thursday night.

Image that shows a weekly menu printable.

Printable #7. Meal Shortcuts

Sometimes meal planning can be a bit overwhelming. That’s why having a list of family favorites ready to go when you want to make them is super helpful.

Make a list of what everyone loves and keep the ingredients on hand. Just like that you have a list of meals you can make in a pinch.

Image that shows a daily meal plan printable for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.

Printable #8. All in One

Why not make a meal plan and shopping list all on one page? This is a great tool to use especially if the room you have for your family command center is short.

This layout really helps with finding everything at the store quickly saving tons of time at the store.

Image that show a weekly meal plan with grocery list printable.

Printable #9. Daily Planner Page

Finally, a daily plan is a huge help for any command center. Know what’s up for the day ahead, who you need to call, what you need to clean, and what you want to achieve.

A daily planner page helps to ensure you are getting things done and staying caught up with what needs your attention.

a picture of a daily planner page for a command center

Being organized can be a tall ask especially when the everyday chaos of papers and schedules can quickly turn your best intentions on their ear. By using family command center printables you can do just that.

Use one or all to help you map out a setup that fits your family and helps you to run a home without stressing out.

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