20 Secrets of Getting Organized
This list of secrets of getting organized will you transform your messy and cluttered room into a space that is neat, put away, and easy to keep that way. Easy solutions that will keep the clutter gone and your rooms streamlined and free of mess.
How to organize using any of these secrets that will work with your home, schedule, and life.

Do you have a friend with a home that is always neat and organized?
You know, that one person who seems to always have it all together. Her home is tidy, polished even, and decorated to the nines. Her lawn is free of clutter, and the grass is always mowed.
Maybe you wish that you could have it all together like her.
After all, she must be some sort of wizard! She must have a book of secrets of getting organized that, if you could only peek inside, you are sure would fix everything.

Good news.
I may not have that book in my hands, but I do have the secrets.
The inside organizing and decluttering tips that will help you to create a home that is less of a storage unit and more of a place you love to be in.
Secrets of Getting Organized
I have listed my top secrets of organized people. The ones that I not only use every day but also incorporate into my routine. Pick and choose the ones that work for you and see if you can get closer to a home that is neat and tidy.
Secret #1. Start Small
No matter how much you have to declutter or organize your goal when you are first starting out, take baby steps.

Nothing will stop you in your tracks than a weekend-long organizing project, especially when you have a family and a schedule, and life all going on at the same time.
Instead, start small, so instead of working on your entire bedroom you could instead work on your nightstand.
This is a great and easy project and one that will greatly impact where you sleep. Small wins are huge in the long game of decluttering.

Secret #2. Declutter First – Organize Last
Don’t be tempted to go on a shopping spree for bins, baskets, and totes for your room organization project.
Bringing in more, even organizing tools, before you have removed anything will only make matters worse. Instead, choose an area and work to remove all the excess items.
Then, you can make a list of what you want to keep in that space.
Once you have a plan of how you want to organize, you are ready to take a trip to the store and buy the tools you need for that one space only.
Small steps are your friend here, even if you repeat some of them over and over. The more you repeat, the more clutter free habits you instill that will carry you throughout your entire home.
Secret #3. Look at Your Home as a Guest
This is one of my favorite tips because it is so powerful.
Ever wonder why it is so easy to keep a space neat in someone else’s home? Because you are the guest and not the resident.
When you are the guest, you tend to put things away just as you found them. Instead of pulling 20 things out of a drawer to find one item, leaving stuff out to sit until you have the energy to put it all back, you carefully find what you are looking for without making a mess.
This is a simple and powerful tip that can really help keep open surfaces tidy and neat.

Secret #4. Remove it Don’t Just Move it
So many times, new declutterers will fill a box in one room and move it to another, thinking they just decluttered. And, maybe they did… to a point.
Organized people, however, take this one step further and put that box of clutter directly into their car.
This way, the next time they are out running errands, they can make a quick stop at the donation center and get that clutter gone for good.

Secret #5. Trash Belongs in the Trash Can
Yes, an obvious tip, but you may be surprised at just how much trash is out in your home right now.
Take a look around. Do you see old newspapers lying out or magazines that have long since been read? How about empty food boxes, junk mail, or napkins?
Get into the habit of always putting trash or recyclables into the can right away. This will really help you to keep your surfaces clutter-free.
Secret #6. Bins are Your Friends
Containers have a specific job in a home. They house the things we use in an organized way.
Bins can hold smaller, frequently used items, so you can put things away quickly.
Here are a few examples:
#1. Measuring spoons in the kitchen are easier to find if they are in a small bin tucked inside your drawer.

#2. Incoming mail stays put in a basket on your kitchen counter so you can easily go through it before it gets piled up and forgotten.
#3. The remote controls in the family room never get lost if they have a bin to hold them.
#4. Random stuff in a drawer is easier to pick through when you have bins inside designating different areas.
Turn in Trays Classroom, 4Pcs Paper Trays for Classroom, Book Baskets for Library, Drawers, Office, HomeNatural Rattan Fruit Storage Baskets Rectangular Woven Wicker Box for Key Holder Remote Stackable Natural Set of 3
StorMiracle 16 PCS Drawer Organizer Set, 5 Varied Size Bathroom and kitchen Drawer cabinet organizer Trays, Clear Storage Bins for Makeup, Jewelry, Utensils and Gadgets
Secret #7. Make it Easy to Use so You Use it
Don’t get lured into using an organizing tool because it is pretty. Instead, look for its functionality and how easy it will be to use.
If you have to take four steps just to find the item you are looking for, chances are you will not continue to use that organizer for very long.
Keep it simple so it works.
So, what’s the answer? Baskets. This is my go-to organizing tool for just about any area in a home. Baskets without lids are easy to use no matter how big of a hurry you are in.

Get my list of best baskets for organizing to see what options will work for you home.
Secret #8. Tidy Up When You are Done
I like to call this a room reset and if you begin implementing this one tip you will be surprised at how much time this will save in the long run.
Before heading off to bed, put anything you find lying out back where it belongs, resetting the room back to neat.
This should only take a few minutes, especially once things are decluttered in that space.
A few minutes each day to ensure you wake up to a room that is neat and organized is an investment that is worth your time.
Reset Guides:
Secret #9. Keep the Front of Your Refrigerator Neat
You may be amazed at how a cluttered fridge can set the tone for the entire kitchen. Instead of menus, school papers, invitations, and photos all over your refrigerator door, turn this area into a family hub.
This is an organized space that you can use to help keep your day-to-day life running more efficiently.

Instead of clutter staring at you, you will now have a helpful tool you can use to run your entire home.
More Home Hub Guides:
Secret #10. Create a Cleaning Kit
Having an area that holds your cleaning supplies will help you to keep an inventory that fits the size of your home.
Gather up all the cleaning supplies around in your home and store them in a central location.
Home Reset PagesMaster Closet Fast Fix
Home Cleaning Checklist
Where to Keep Cleaning Supplies:
- Basement
- Linen closet
- Below a sink
- In an upper cabinet in your kitchen.
When you do this you may be surprised at all the cleaning supplies you have. By keeping your cleaning supplies spread out around your home, it can be hard to know what you have and overbuying can easily be done.
Once you have a central area stocked and organized, you can make small cleaning buckets for high-mess areas.
Where to Keep Cleaning Buckets:
- Bathroom
- Kitchen
- Playroom
- Office

How to Create a DIY Cleaning Bucket
Keep all these items in one place and not only free up much-needed storage in other areas but make cleaning easier to do.
Secret #11. Keep a Trash Bin in Each Room
This little gem of a tip will really help you to keep that trash put away at all times and propel you towards your room organization goal.
Remember, secret #5 was to remove the trash as you find it. Take this tip one step further and make it easy to do in every single room.
Don’t worry about having an ugly trash bin in your room, there are so many options available even the most sophisticated rooms can hold a fancy trash bin.
UUJOLY Plastic Small Trash Can Wastebasket, Garbage Container Basket for Bathrooms, Laundry Room, Kitchens, Offices, Kids Rooms, Dorms, 3.5 Gallon, BlackUUJOLY Plastic Small Trash Can Wastebasket, Garbage Container Basket for Bathrooms, Laundry Room, Kitchens, Offices, Kids Rooms, Dorms, (White, 1.8 Gallon)
iDesign Rectangular Bamboo Waste Basket, The Formbu Collection – 10.5
RTWDKFQ 3 Pack Bathroom Small Trash Can with Lid,10L / 2.6 Gallon Slim Garbage Bin Wastebasket with Pop-Up Lid for Bedroom, Office, Kitchen, Craft Room, Fits Under Desk/Cabinet/Sink/ (muti5)
Secret #12. Don’t Keep Broken Things
Maybe you are smirking at this tip just a little, but you may just be surprised at the items in your own home that are broken, cracked, torn, or stained. Sure, we keep these things telling ourselves we will fix them someday…the problem is, someday never comes, and these items instead become clutter.
If you are worried you will need the item, try this. Place it in a box to replace and add this item to your errand list.

The next time you are out, purchase a replacement so you can then let go of the damaged item without worry.
Secret #13. Keep the Clutter Out of Your Car
When running errands bring with you a large tote bag to toss small purchases inside. You can also toss any trash from the day (use a compact trash bag to toss in the trash) in your tote along with your sunglasses, phone, or even purse.
This will allow you to gather up the stuff that does not belong in the car and carry it inside in one trip.
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Luckybay Car Seat Side Organizer, Auto Seat Storage Hanging Bag, Phones, Drink, Stuff Holder with Mesh Pocket for Cars, SUV & Truck
HOTOR Car Trash Can with Lid – 2 Pack, Mini Essential Car Accessories for Interior, Leakproof Garbage Can with 30 Attached Trash Bags, Multipurpose Organizers and Storage for Car, Home, Office
MULISOFT Car Seat Organizer- Backseat Car Organizer with 11 Storages Compartments and 2 Cup Holders, Organizers and Storage, Front Seat for Travel Kids,Black
D/M Pro Tip: Once inside your home be sure to unload your tote putting everything away. Keep your tote near your purse. As you find things you need for your next errand trip toss them into your tote.
No more forgetting returns, library books, or other items that you need for your next errand day.
Secret #14. If it’s Expired Let it Go
This tip goes for food, medicine, makeup, or anything with an expiration or use-by date.
Decluttering is already hard enough, and the decisions can seem endless. Cut yourself a break, and don’t stress out over tossing expired things. Remember to add items to your shopping list of anything you routinely use as you are doing this tip.
Secret #15. Use Baskets for Easy Cleanup
Baskets are one of my favorite organizers, and for good reason. They work. They also are great for keeping cluttered contained so you are not always walking from mess to mess cleaning things up.
Large Basket Ideas:
- A large basket for blankets in the family room.
- A basket on the stairs to reduce trips.
- A basket in the kitchen to hold mail.
- A basket in the tub to hold toys.
- A basket in the entryway to hold sports gear.
By having a simple way to get daily clutter out of the way, you will find it much easier to keep areas in a room clean.

Secret #16. Let Go of Duplicates
We have this ongoing battle in our home. Hubby feels that we need to have at least 6 spatulas, whereas I, on the other hand, feel three is absolutely plenty.
If you need one and they are all dirty, take five seconds to wash it. I can not tell you how often we have (kiddingly) argued over them, but I intend to stand firm.
Just because I have room for six spatulas does not mean I SHOULD have that many. The point is to only keep the number you need so your drawers stay neater and are easier to maintain.
Secret #17. Everything Has a Home
I am sure you have heard the saying, “A place for everything and everything in its place”. When it comes to clutter, this is the golden rule.
Make sure your things have a home, a drawer, cabinet, or a basket – assign a location where you intend to keep each item.

Not sure where to keep something? Ask yourself this question.
If I was to look for __________, Where would I go first? More often than not, that is where you should keep it.
Secret #18. Put Things Away When You are Done Using Them
This is a biggie, huge even. If you have done tip #17, then this tip should be nothing more than learning a new habit. Encourage yourself to take the time to put things away EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU ARE FINISHED USING THEM.
Not just close to where it belongs, but all the way away.
This one tip will all but eliminate surface clutter and remove that annoying eyesore once and for all.

Secret #19. Give Away Rather Than Donate
If you have items in your home you no longer want, yet donating them to a total stranger is just not where you are at yet, why not find a new home with someone you know?

A newly married couple may love to have your grandmother’s quilt. Or the elderly woman that lives alone from your church might be in need of new dishes. Maybe she would love to have your set from when you were first married. The one that is just sitting in a box collecting dust.
Find someone you know and care for and share your things with them.
D/M Pro Tip: Do not use this to pass clutter on to someone else. Always ask permission before you give, and be ready for a “NO” in return. Give only what will be received with gratitude, and share your things without making them a burden for someone else.
Secret #20. Decluttering Never Stops
This is a tip that will change everything for you. Decluttering is one of those things that you don’t do once, and your home (and you) are cured of excess stuff.
Decluttering is something that needs to be on your to-do list weekly or even daily. Learn to weave decluttering like you do laundry or cooking throughout your day.
A little every day goes a long way to keeping our home neat and organized.
Keeping clutter under control so you can set up an organized home is all about your outlook. Try to see your things as just that, things. The tools you need to live in your home. This can make how you store, use, and view a large majority of your stuff much easier.
Save the memories for those things that truly deserve them. Remove the excess and bring those treasured items out where you can remember and enjoy the love they hold.
I wish I could get my husband in on the de-cluttering. He is terrible at #17 & 18. He is constantly taking things from their “Home” and then leaving them somewhere else. Then when I need that item I am either looking for it or asking him what he did with it. We have had many “Talks” about him putting things back where they belong.
all I can tell you, Rose is to be patient. I know it can be disheartening but we simply cannot force our family to declutter. Work on your own spaces and hopefully, he will eventually get on board.
Best wishes,
Tracy Lynn
Hi Tracey. I am wondering what is the best book to buy with regards to declutting? I need help. Been on workcover. Last 4 years. Suffer from depression, anxiety. Plus arm and back pain then been put off work. Now have to clean up unit as its on market. After being here 20 yrs. Doing it by myself. No family here. I only have a phone. So prefer a book. So I can write in it. Hope you can help me. Denise Arter ( Australia . Victoria).
Hello, Denise!
I have a book that I sell, it’s a download so you can print it out and get started right away. It also has checkboxes and helps you to declutter by breaking projects down into time blocks so you can fit them into your day no matter how busy you are!
Check it out here and get 50% off! : https://simplelivingcountrygal.lpages.co/declutter-in-minutes-ebook-tripwire-flash-sale
My Husband is a messy. His office space is always layered with papers. He never folds his blanket after he uses it. leaves mail and packages on the table all the time… I never touch his office stuff, I learned to live with it! Once or twice a year he’ll clean it up. I let his blanket lie where he leaves it. Till wash day! Mail I leave for 2 days then I ask him to remove it or put it away. After all it is his home too! And he always makes the bed 🙂
EVERY topic you covered I’ve done. It’s hubby who is THE most cluttering person ever. He’s an expert “clutterist” and only brings in more junk to add to the clutter. When I finish uncluttering, it’s an invitation to bring in more clutter. I think he has a psychological problem of “wanting” things now that he can afford to and based upon what he told me about his childhood. His cure is only going to come from a psychiatrist but hubby doesn’t think he has a problem. I’m through.
I am so sorry you are having a hard time with your husband. Can you give him a place for him to keep his stuff that is not in the main area of the home? Then when he brings things in and puts them in the kitchen or family room you can just relocate them to “his space” and keep those things out of yours.
Good Luck!
Tracy Lynn
I seem to be on a perpetual quest for decluttering. It’s a never-ending job but the best way to declutter is in small, regular increments. Thanks for all the excellent tips.